Friday, November 16, 2012

Brushing up on Marine Debris with the Boy Scouts!

Boy Scout Troop 271 came out to clean up Deer Island on Saturday September 15th, 2012 ready to tackle whatever was thrown in their way.  There was a lot to do, so we got right down to it and cleaned up site #3 on the South side of Deer Island.      
There was a lot of debris in the storm wrack line on, we found lots of treated wood, entangled string, broken  lawn chairs and small plastic fragments.
We worked so hard, we decided to take a break and take in the view while reusing some of the debris collected =)
The strangest item found to date is pictured below!  A plastic doll arm!
Congrats to Troop 271 for collecting, sorting and weighing a total of 1,495.26 lbs!  This is now the record to beat for all other participating groups!

I want to thank the Boy Scouts for their hard work and determination!  We really appreciate your efforts and hope you continue making environmentally friendly decisions, helping with the mitigation of pollution.  
"Marine debris is harmful to our environment, it's inhabitants and our economy and is's time to make a difference, so get involved today!"